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First post since forever

Feels so nostalgic to be back at this space. But I still need time to get used to this again haha.
Looking back at my old posts, I realised I actually dedicated EIGHT consecutive years from when I was 12 to 20, relaying my thoughts and feelings almost every single day through my blog.

This is just a test post, I hope I will pick up the habit of blogging again.
It's really entertaining to re-read old blog posts, the only question I'd like to pose back to teenager-Erika is "WHY YOU ALWAYS SO ANGRY AND EMO ONE?"
& Then I realise, I am still the same angst and emo person till today. So.. nothing has changed. The only difference is the subject of my angst and emo haha.

I know the picture and everything is damn cui, I wanna say please give me some time, but then again, judging from my laziness and bochapness, this ugly picture would probably stay here for quite awhile lol.

Till then.

Oh, & since I have nothing to show today, I will just paste the link of Jocelyn's hard work here, do watch it to have a glimpse of our crazy 11 days Seoul trip :)

posted by Tuturika ♥ Tuesday, 2 June 2015 @ 00:47

Faith, Trust & Pixiedust
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Erika Lee Hashimoto橋本絵梨花

People say I have a resting bitch face. I think I can attribute this to my mum being a Japanese (Yakuza) and my dad, a Singaporean (Ahbeng)


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